The Executive Board all have prior experience working together for a start-up
Monica has degrees in Physics, Nanotechnology and a doctorate in Nanomaterials (National Physical Laboratory). Over more than a decade in startups, Monica has built solar cells, batteries and DNA sequencers, and characterized them with novel techniques of her invention. Monica’s focus on sustainability and multidisciplinary mindset has led her to deliver on business development, commercial strategy, fundraising, and putting together an award-winning company, bringing us a step closer to net zero. Monica solicits transparency and good communication practices.
Boris obtained a PhD in chemistry from the Florida State University, working in the field of organic photochemistry. Subsequent postdoctoral appointments brought him to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was part of a project with the aim of converting solar power into chemical energy, and to the University of Cambridge, where he was working on supramolecular self-assembly. Dr Breiner has more than 8 years of experience in industrial R&D.
Stephanie obtained her MChem from the University of Sussex, with a research project in the field of inorganic synthesis. She completed her PhD at Imperial College London, specialising in the synthesis and electrochemical characterisation of ferrocene species for use as in highly efficient inverted perovskite solar cells and other electronic applications. Stephanie also has experience developing materials for sustainable energy storage devices.
30 years in agribusiness, 6 years in greenhouse tech, 14 years director level experience, grew up on a farm.
Guy is a cofounder of Viresco Group, having spent over a decade working within corporate finance advisory; investment banking; and asset management roles. Previously Guy was portfolio manager for the Agriculture and venture strategies at Future Planet Capital and Milltrust. Prior to this he worked at Peel Hunt within the investment banking division having qualified as a Chartered Accountant within Deloitte Corporate Finance.
Michael has a Masters in Engineering from Oxford University and an MBA from London Business School. He has worked around the world as a management consultant including winning a coveted Management Consulting Association award for best use of eCommerce. He later went on to run global risk management technology for a UK tier one bank. He has invested in dozens of start-ups and now helps start-ups achieve their goals.
Iain is an impact investor, and aside from Lambda Energy is involved in other climate-focused start-ups in clean energy and one in a novel, sustainable greenhouse design solution. He has 20 years’ experience in renewables and having developed several solar farms, is now involved in the development of large battery storage projects to help balance supply and demand on the grid. He has a passion for nature recovery and co-founded the wildlife charity Beaver Trust.
Andrew’s expertise is in plant genetics and physiology with a particular interested in water use and plant development in horticultural crops. He was a Research Leader for 19 years at Horticulture Research International (now Warwick Crop Centre), before joining Cranfield University in 2012. Since 2017 he has been Head of the Soil, Agrifood and Biosciences Centre at Cranfield with around 40 staff and 40 PhD students. Andrew has been involved in assessing the impact of greenhouse coatings on crop growth.
Prof. Wright obtained his PhD at Cambridge University and holds a full professorship there. His research focuses on new methodologies in inorganic synthesis across the periodic table and the ways in which these synthetic approaches can be used to obtain new and existing classes of compounds in novel ways. He has published around 390 papers and is named inventor of 12 patents. Wright was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry Meldola Medal and the Main Group Medal and is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Prof. Bryce S. Richards studied physics and electrical engineering in New Zealand and Australia. He joined Heriot-Watt University, U.K., as a lecturer in 2006, being promoted to full professor in 2008. Since 2014, he is Professor of Nanophotoinics for Energy at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. His primary research areas lie in spectral conversion (up- and down-conversion), luminescent materials, light management, next-generation photovoltaics, and solar-driven water treatment (including photocatalysis).
Teruko serves as SVP of VC Investments at Caygan Capital, UK/Singapore/Japan-based multi-strategy fund one of whose invest area is early-stage startups tackling social issues like climate change and ageing societies. She led investments in over twenty companies and worked as Board Observer for five companies. Before joining Caygan in 2014, she was an investment banker covering public and utilities sector at Goldman Sachs for a decade. Teruko has an MBA from London Business School.
Lambda has been closely supported by academics at several UK universities including Cambridge, Bath and Cranfield. Cranfield has previously performed prototyping under Lambda-sponsored projects under under the supervision of Dr Monica Saavedra. Lambda has new government grants with Pilkington and Cambridge and Bath universities to co-develop novel active material, make paints and coat greenhouses for crop growth trials.